The Turing Machine and the Busy Beaver Problem

The Turing Machine

In 1936, Alan Turing answered the question that still bewilders many a man: what do we mean by ‘computable’?

“Computing”, said Turing

is normally done by writing certain symbols on paper. We may suppose this paper to be divided into squares like a child’s arithmetic book. In elementary arithmetic the 2-dimensional character of the paper is sometimes used. But such use is always avoidable, and I think it will be agreed that the two-dimensional character of paper is no essential of computation. I assume then that the computation is carried out on one-dimensional paper, on a tape divided into squares.

A tape that extends infinitely in both directions, not limited by the bounds of physical resources (which are better known to us as memory and CPU). Furthermore, there’s a symbol written on each square of the tape, like the ‘1’s and ‘0’s in a modern computer’s memory. One can manipulate these symbols by moving the tape head back and forth - marking symbols, replacing them, and even deleting them - to define a set of rules/instructions (a program). This machine - as recondite as it may seem to be - can run every single program ever produced by humankind. From running your OS (by adding input capabilities, of course) to your Tic-Tac-Toe game, you name it, the Turing machine can do it. But, there is a problem.

The Halting Problem

Set a tape head loose on a certain set of symbols, and it might stop eventually, or it might run forever. Now, if my program is going to run forever, I would like to know that in advance. But how can we determine, in a finite amount of time, whether something will go on endlessly? (the Halting Problem) The answer is we can’t, and the proof is a beautiful form of self-reference.

Turing imagined a special machine that could solve the Halting Problem. Then he showed how we could have this machine analyze itself in a way that it has to halt if it runs forever and run forever if it halts. And there lies your answer — just like a hound that finally catches its tail and devours it.

I like to remember it a little differently. Think of it like this - to solve the Halting Problem, the Turing machine needs to be like a person who has hindsight before completing an action — contradicting the very meaning of hindsight. Eureka.

The Busy Beaver Problem

In 1962, Tibor Rado introduced a simple, intuitive idea. Just as we can classify words by how many letters they contain, we can classify Turing machines by how many rules they have in the tape head, i.e., for each fixed whole number N, just as there are only finitely many distinct words with N letters, so too are there only finitely many distinct machines with N rules. Some of these machines halt, some don’t.

Of the ones that halt, he asked, what is the maximum number of steps that any machine takes before it halts. And this one question gave birth to one of the most famed pastimes in Computer Science history: the Busy Beaver Problem. The aim of the game is to find BB(N), where N is the number of finite characters a Turing machine can have.

BB(1) = 1
BB(2) = 6
BB(3) = 21
BB(4) = 107
BB(5) = unverified
BB(6) = 8,690,333,381,690,951

The sequence of Busy Beaver numbers, BB(1), BB(2), and so on, grows faster than any computable sequence. Faster than exponentials, stacked exponentials, the Ackermann sequence, you name it.


Ironic, isn’t it? The idea that a machine that can compute any program ever produced by humankind gave birth to a sequence that is too fast for any computer to keep up with it — even in principle.